Welcome to our Conceptual Academy Homeschool Support Site. You’ll find much to explore. A good place to start is with our price list: CAPriceList

Then we recommend you review our Pathways documents describing how Conceptual Academy can meet your science program needs for middle school through high school. Because of their conceptual orientation, you’ll find our programs work well for both science-eager and science-shy students.

Welcome to LearnScience.Academy!

Guided Science Courses for Homeschools

We are so glad you are here. This is the support site for homeschools looking to use our guided, video rich self-study science programs hosted on the Conceptual Academy platform. We currently have 15 highly polished and comprehensive programs up and running with more in the works. We are here as your turn-key solution for all your high school science needs. Sign up is easy as 1-2-3.

    1. Select a program from our Course Decriptions in the side bar (We serve grades 7 – 12)
    2. Enter the course’s “Course ID” into the registration page of ConceptualAcademy.com
    3. Consider purchasing the accompanying textbook (see course descriptions)

The centerpiece of Conceptual Academy: our video lessons, which we’ve been producing for many years. We recommend you visit the “Videos” tab in the main menu. This will lead you to our popular YouTube channel where we post select samples for the general public.

Then there is Alia who is our recently developed AI learning assistant who, for privacy and accuracy, is trained solely in our extensive conceptual content as well as our pedagogy. Like a welcoming tutor, Alia is available to answer all pressing questions you or your student might have about the content. This includes explaining tough homework questions, creating practice quizzes on the fly, providing ideas for lab activities or science fairs, giving you study advice, and more. Mostly, you’ll find she is trained to be conversational so as to keep the student engaged. You’ll find Alia to be a truly incredible resource for your homeschool science program. Still in development, she’ll be deployed first in all our physics and chemistry programs spring 2025.

If you see a pop-up invitation here on this website then that means Alia is currently running and available for conversations. Thank you for contacting us with your suggestions as we work on the final adjustments.
LearnWithAliaAbout Conceptual Academy

We are a company of energetic and seasoned college science professors, who are also the authors of the highly-regarded and popular “conceptual” line of science textbooks. Our first conceptual title, Conceptual Physics, rocked the physics education world in 1972 and remains the number one liberal arts physics textbook, now in its 13th edition and used globally. Our other conceptual titles have followed suit. Conceptual Academy is our next-generation platform where it all comes together for the modern-age student.

For all inquiries, you can write to us at Support@ConceptualAcademy.com.

About LearnScience.Academy

This website guides homeschoolers through Conceptual Academy’s comprehensive resources, featuring full-credit courses based on “conceptual” science textbooks and 1,300+ video lessons. Each program includes author study tips, worksheets, chapter summaries, automated quizzes and homework, grade tracking, unit exams, and lab manuals using readily available materials. Our focus is engaging students with the natural universe through quality education. Welcome to the Conceptual Academy community!

The best way to understand how an actual course works is to take a look at our free sample course page.

Some of our textbooks

Your book is truly the best one I have found to promote an interest in what I call “chemistry for life” for students who are not necessarily pursuing a science major in college.  The other books/curriculum I have looked at are usually written in a dry and uninteresting manner and also focus heavily on the math! While this is adequate for the very academic learners and those wanting to pursue an education in the sciences, it usually makes the majority of the students hate chemistry (except if the teacher can make it “come alive”). I just can’t quite bring myself to use one of those books again.  Thanks for making the world of chemistry interesting and approachable.
S. Weaver

Homeschool co-op director


How about a Teacher’s Manual?

Yes, we have those too. 🙂  If you’re interested in course planning details, you’ll find the teacher’s manual in the first lesson of each course and within course descriptions here at LearnScience.Academy. For a sample, review our Conceptual Chemistry (grades 9+) manual, which demonstrates our teaching philosophy and implementation approach. A printable full course planner is located at the end of each manual.

Conceptual Chemistry Honors, Teacher’s Manual

Click the above button for the quickest overview of Conceptual Academy and the quickest way to reach out to us. Ready for more detail? You’re exactly where you need to be. Scroll downward for more information.

Looking for automated planners? Explore our Homeschool Planet planner page.


This video nicely demonstrates the value of the video format in helping us to understand and appreciate the wonders of our natural universe.



Explore our “Quick Activities“. Our programs are embedded with a variety of lab activities. This includes many that are “quick activities” that are sure to be a source of lively dinner conversations and a great way to learn about the quality of our programs.

Click on the above flow chart to review the resources available within each of our courses.