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Physical Science

The full version of Conceptual Physical Science covers all chapters of the Conceptual Physical Science textbook. This course is recommended for two academic years of study for the beginning high school student who has not worked through one of our “explorations” middle school courses. For this “full version” course, Year 1: Survey of Physics  (1.0 cr). Year 2: Survey of Chemistry, Earth Science, and Astronomy (1.0 cr). We also offer an abbreviated version of Conceptual Physical Science (1.0 cr) with a focus on the essentials of physics, astronomy, and chemistry (PAC), which is good for students looking to advance to Conceptual Physics after one year of study. As yet another alternative, we offer an even shorter astronomy course that also uses this Conceptual Physical Science textbook (0.5 cr). For middle school physical science, look to our physical science “explorations” course.

Homeschool Planet automated planners are now available for each of these physical science courses.



1. Physical Science, The Full Version (Grades 9+) (Price: $165)

(2 year course)

To Purchase:

1. Copy this Course ID: CPS
2. Paste the Course ID into Conceptual Academy’s registration page.

Full Version (2 years)

Textbook: Conceptual Physical Science, 6e (CPS6e)

Review a .pdf of the front matter of this textbook, including its table of contents. Here is a link to sample pages from a chapter section on Newton’s second law of motion: CPSSample.

This comprehensive self-study course collates all 28 chapters of the Conceptual Physical Science textbook into 5 units and a total of 28 modules (one module per chapter). Recommended for grades 9 and above.  Along with a library of video tutorials and reading assignments, included are worksheets, simulations, study advice from the authors, automated quizzes with grade book, complete labs using household materials, the Homework Practice Sessions (HPS), and unit exams. This course, adapted from a college level curriculum, provides a strong and enjoyable introduction to physical science over a two year period for the beginning high school student. It also serves well as a precursor to our Conceptual Physics or Conceptual Chemistry courses, which provide greater depth on a broader range of topics. To learn more about this full version physical science course, download its teacher’s manual:

CPS Full Version Teacher’s Manual

5 Units; 28 Modules

Unit A: Physics I
Unit B: Physics II
Unit C: Chemistry
Unit D: Earth Science
Unit E: Astronomy


Physical Science, Physics, Astronomy, Chemistry (Grades 9+) (Price: $115)

(1 year)

To Purchase:

1. Copy this Course ID: PAC
2. Paste the Course ID into Conceptual Academy’s registration page.

Customized Version (1 year)

Textbook: Conceptual Physical Science, 6e (CPS6e) Sold separately

Review a .pdf of the front matter of this textbook, including its table of contents. Here is a link to sample pages from a chapter section on galaxies: AstronomySample.

This is a rich and inspiring introductory physical science course with a focus on the concepts of physics, astronomy, and chemistry. For physics, this includes Newton’s Laws, momentum, energy, gravity, and the mechanics of orbital motion followed by fluids, heat and electricity. Students will explore the nature of sound and light as well as atoms and the source atomic energy. This sets the stage for an exploration of the basic concepts of astronomy, which include a study of our solar system, stars, galaxies, and the universe as a whole.  With an understanding of how the elements of the periodic table are synthesized within stars, and with a background in physics, the student is set to explore the basic concepts of chemistry including chemical bonding, mixtures, chemical reactions, and organic chemistry. Includes all the resources of the more comprehensive full version listed above such as a complete set of labs requiring materials that can be obtained from home or a local discount store. The pace of this course is relatively quick and works well for students who have not experienced our middle school “explorations” courses, but are looking for an early entry into our upper level science courses, such as Conceptual Physics and Conceptual Chemistry. To learn more about this condensed 1 year high school physical science course, download its teacher’s manual:

CPS, Physics, Astronomy, Chemistry (PAC) Teacher’s Manual

6 Units; 26 Modules

Unit A: Mechanics
Unit B: Fluids and Energy
Unit C: Waves and Atoms
Unit D: Astronomy
Unit E: Elements of Chemistry
Unit F: Chemical Reactions


Sample Chemistry Video: Acids and Bases


“The CONCEPTUAL approach means a focus on the concepts. Although much of physical science is mathematical, a firm grasp of its concepts is crucial to understanding. Hence our motto: concepts first. Enjoy!”

Sample Earth Science Video: Glaciers