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Testimonials and Reviews

CALogoSqLgWe send a heartfelt thank you to all our present and past users for their kind remarks and genuine support. The continual positive as well as constructive feedback we have received means the world to us. This feedback inspires us to keep moving forward toward our goal of helping to improve science literacy worldwide. It is our belief that worldwide scientific literacy holds an important key for a bright and sustainable future.

Oliver has enjoyed Physics immensely. He has learned more than I did in my high school AP Physics course, that’s for sure! And definitely understands more vs. memorizing. –Hillary

“We are almost done with the Physical Science course and my 15, 15, and 14-year old, non-sciency sons have really liked it. Big kudos to you and your uncle for making even someone like me – a 47-year-old mom and less-than-avid fan of science – enjoy learning it.  Seriously.  That’s huge.  The videos explain tough concepts in a very practical and accessible way.  They also follow along very well with the textbook, which I would definitely recommend purchasing or renting to reinforce the concepts explained in the videos.  I like that the videos apply the concepts to real life, which I don’t think my high school teachers ever did and why I never saw the value of learning science.  Now my boys and I find ourselves looking at things around us and applying the lessons we’ve learned from the course (along with saying “good science to you” and “ask your neighbor” :)).  Science is actually (*gasp*) fun and interesting.  We’ve enjoyed the course so much that we will be continuing on in the fall with Conceptual Chemistry and Conceptual Physics the year after.  Thank you for taking away my anxiety about teaching high school science!” –Patty, Nashville, TN

I was very excited to discover your science courses. I have homeschooled my children for 20 years, and although the first 3 kids have graduated with honors and gotten full academic scholarships at top universities, I have been very disappointed in the homeschool science choices! All my kids are excellent at studying and regurgitating test information and forgetting it the next day! As a previous high school teacher, I have searched for a better solution! And I think I have found it in your product! Thanks for making a science program which challenges yet excites my kids!  — Robin

“I have to say that in nine years of homeschooling I have never encountered any other company that responded so quickly and had such excellent customer service. Being able to get help directly from an author is so beneficial. I am not aware of another science program where this is possible. Thank you!” –Julia

“John, I see that you are continuing to develop this curriculum, and we are so thankful for that! I feel almost like you have been part of our family for the past several years. My son who is about to be a senior in high school, studied chemistry from your book & on-line materials when he was in 8th grade as a homeschooler. He took regular chemistry the next year in high school, and did so well in it that his teacher asked him to be a teaching assistant for chemistry, which he did as an 11th grader. He used your book and videos a lot last year when he was preparing lessons. Even your teaching style has influenced him a great deal. He now is planning to go to college to do a double major in chemistry and math, and wants to be a teacher. THANK YOU!!” Yours, M. Wemple

“In my opinion, as a homeschool mom who is doing the course along with my daughter and other students I am teaching, I LOVE your course!  I have a degree in industrial engineering, so I took chemistry in high school and hated it because my labs never worked out “right.”  I took organic chemistry and materials science in college and hated them too.  But I LOVE your chemistry course.  I think the teaching videos have made all the difference.  John makes it interesting and fun to learn.  The mini quizzes at the end of the video are good.  The questions at the end of every chapter require thought not just regurgitation.  I purchased the corresponding lab kit-Argon.  The lab manual is excellent, however it didn’t come with answers.  I think I might have had to sign up as an educator with eScience, not quite sure.” –Lisa

“I am doing the conceptual chemistry class and thoroughly enjoy it. I think one of the reasons why I find it really effective is because the videos are generally very short, ranging between 4-12 minutes. Of course, there are many of them, but they are short and to the point, making it a lot easier for me to absorb information. I also don’t feel like I’m having an “information overload”, which I get sometimes when watching 30-45 minute long videos. These short videos are also very well organized so it is easy for me to follow in the text book and ultimately understand chemistry a lot better. I also like the fact that some of the experiments are videoed and shown during the lessons—especially those that have equipment that is hard to come by or hazardous chemicals etc. These are very helpful. The questions at the end of each video are helpful because, although they are usually pretty straightforward and are answered in the videos, they help me gauge whether I understood and absorbed information in the video. This helps me develop the habit of checking after every lesson whether or not I understand it.” –Robyn

“Author John Suchocki aims to provide practical chemistry knowledge for the liberal arts major in college that will be useful in life, but he also wants to help students become better thinkers in general. Consequently, Conceptual Chemistry stresses concepts and applications of chemistry sometimes in a storytelling fashion.

I think the self-study courses make the most sense for homeschoolers since they make it easy for students to benefit from the videos, and they also provide questions in an appealing format along with quizzes, exams, and answer keys. I love the options for tailoring a chemistry course to suit the student’s interests rather than having every student complete the identical course. In addition, parents should appreciate that they do not have to buy a separate teachers manual or tests.

Either way, Conceptual Chemistry is a great choice for homeschoolers who want serious chemistry coverage that is up-to-date.”

Cathy Duffy Reviews

“I want to say a big ‘Thank You!’ for putting together the terrifically interesting textbook – I know it was no small labor of love! The information you have amassed from your experience and other resources has provided the exact guidance I needed to design and teach the class. I really want to make this class count for my students – both in their critical thinking development, and in their enjoyment/wonderment at the world aroundthem through the lens of chemistry. So, thank you.” Eileen Sneeden, PhD Professor, Maranatha Baptist Bible College

“I truly admire your ability to help students make connections between science and everyday life. You really do bring the concepts to their level and it has helped me tremendously. I am a second year chemistry teacher and used several of your videos last year, to help supplement our classroom activities. I saw a huge benefit from using them and I am interested in the other resources you have available.”

A. Davis
Ferris High School, Ferris, TX

“Words cannot adequately express my heart-felt gratitude! There is a student who is taking this course for the third time (learning challenged and health issues) – received a communication from her today which conveyed her greater understanding of the concepts and her happy attitude that she is finally “getting it” because of the videos that she can watch over and over again!” L. Bates, South Arkansas Community College

“This book is widely used as a textbook for high school and college courses. The author has excellent communication skills and thorough understanding of the concepts as the material is presented very clearly and precisely. Furthermore, it is presented in clear, plain language, not technical jargon. The book is written in a way that makes it very engaging. You can also sense the author’s passion for conceptual physics, which is infectious. Many of the examples, questions, and diagrams are intriguing and/or fun.” F. Reema, Louisiana Amazon Review

“I am more of an English and History kind of person. However this book kept me interested and explained the material in a clear concise way. I never felt that I had to slog through massive amounts of information in order to get to “main idea”. I used this book for an online class last semester and it was instrumental in helping me teach myself the material. Definitely one of my favorite science textbooks so far. I would study for my tests by reading the chapter and watching the videos. I got an A in the class thanks to this book! Taylor C. Amazon Review

“A must have copy book in your shelf because everything of the information you wanted to have is in this book from physics to astronomy, to chemistry, to biology, and earth science. The presentation of the book is very easy to follow. You will never regret by having a copy of it.” Fedora Amazon Review

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