Physics for Homeschool High Schools
Also Homeschool Planet automated planners for these physics course are now available. PDF versions of these same planners are embedded within your course and also available here at LearnScience.Academy.
Conceptual Physics (Grades 9+) (Price: $115)
To Purchase:
1. Copy this Course ID: CPR
2. Paste the Course ID into Conceptual Academy’s registration page.
Physics (1 year)
Textbook: Conceptual Physics, 12e (CP12e) Sold separately
Review a .pdf of the front matter of this textbook, including its table of contents. Here are a few sample pages of discussing Newton’s second law of motion: PhysicsSample. These are actually physics pages from our very similar upper level physical science textbook, which extends the approach of Conceptual Physics to include chemistry, Earth science, and astronomy.
Our regular level Conceptual Physics course designed to meet the needs of a broad range of high school students. In addition to video tutorials and reading assignments, six unit exams are provided along with study aids, such as worksheets, simulations, and automated quizzes. Importantly, for each module, the author provides his personal comments and guidance regarding the material. A full suite of lab activities are now included with this course. Students are asked to document their experiences and observations in an accompanying “field journal”. Grading rubrics provided. To learn much more about this course, please review the Conceptual Physics teacher’s manual:
Conceptual Physics Teacher’s Manual
6 Units; 24 ModulesUnit A: Mechanics
Unit B: Energy and Gravity
Unit C: Matter and Heat
Unit D: Electromagnetism
Unit E: Sound and Waves
Unit F: Light
Conceptual Physics, Honors (Grades 9+) (Price: $140)
To Purchase:
1. Copy this Course ID: CPH
2. Paste the Course ID into Conceptual Academy’s registration page.
Honors Physics (1 year)
Textbook: Conceptual Physics, 12e (CP12e) Sold separately
Review a .pdf of the front matter of this textbook, including its table of contents. Here are a few sample pages of discussing Newton’s second law of motion: PhysicsSample. These are actually physics pages from our very similar upper level physical science textbook, which extends the approach of Conceptual Physics to include chemistry, Earth science, and astronomy.
This self-study physics course walks the student through Paul Hewitt’s favorite content, which, no surprise, is practically the entire book. To cover this material requires a relatively fast pace, which is why this course is designated as “honors”. In addition to video tutorials and reading assignments, eight unit exams are provided along with study aids, such as worksheets, simulations, and automated quizzes. Importantly, for each module, the author provides his personal comments and guidance regarding the material. A full suite of lab activities are now included with this course. Students are asked to document their experiences and observations in an accompanying “field journal”. Grading rubrics provided. To learn much more about this course, please review the Conceptual Physics teacher’s manual:
Conceptual Physics Honors Teacher’s Manual
8 Units; 41 Modules
Unit A: Mechanics Part 1
Unit B: Mechanics Part 2
Unit C: Matter
Unit D: Heat
Unit E: Sound
Unit F: Electromagnetism
Unit G: Light
Unit H: Modern Physics
Sample Physics Video: Buoyancy

“This course holds all the passion of my life’s work. I’m confident you will find it to be not only informative, but delightful, as have millions of others who have used my curriculum over the past many years.”