Dear Homeschools,

I’m writing here on an enchanting afternoon of Christmas day. Yes, we are a secular program, and, yes, we value all traditions of compassion and kindness. Thus, my offering to you for this holiday season and beyond can be found on my YouTube music channel. Scroll down to the Holiday playlist. You’ll find a 24 minute concert of clean family fun featuring catchy and meaningful Christmas songs written and performed by myself and my new sidekick “Hand”. In a holiday hurry? Singles of each song are also available. Happy Holidays!

While I have your attention, just a brief update on our up and coming AI learning assistant. This assistant has undergone a number of name changes: “Ask the Author” has transformed into “Ask Alia”, which has since transformed into “Learn with Alia”. She is now fully trained in our physics and chemistry programs. Our next step is to embed Alia into our physics and chemistry CA programs. Then we’ll begin her training in our biology program too. It’s been quite the endeavor, but we are confident in the importance and value of this new and remarkable learning tool like none other. Alia is the virtual equivalent of having one of us authors by your side, and then some.

Oh, and I’ve finally taken to updating LearnScience.Academy. I hope you like the new look! You’ll find all the updated details for you to review to your hearts content. Again, for emphasis, this website is our homeschool support site. It’s here that you can learn about all that we have to offer. What we actually offer, however, is hosted on our platform found at And please know, you can always reach out to us at for any further clarification you might need.

Good Chemistry!

